Month: July 2020

Crispy Okra (Bhindi)

Most people I know have a love or hate relationship with okra. Okra tends to have a slimy texture when chopped, which can be revolting to some. It is this very sliminess, however, that makes okra a great addition to thick soups and stews like gumbo. But, for those who […]


Muthia – Steamed Multigrain Dumplings

This dish has its origins in the state of Gujarat in India and is a popular tea time snack. Gujarati cuisine is unique where most recipes call for spice, tanginess and sweetness all in one dish, yet  manage to strike a perfect balance in flavors. My friend, Kavi who is […]


Creamy Avocado Pasta

There’s one veggie that is very popular with my kids. Avocado! Well, technically it’s a fruit. But yes, they will gobble up anything I make with avocado – avocado toast, guacamole, avocado sandwiches, salads with avocado etc. So it was no wonder then that they ate up every morsel of […]