Oil Free

Creamy Cauliflower Soup

Don’t judge a soup by its color – at least not this one! My kids who are used to seeing me whip up visually colorful meals sat quietly poring over their bowls, the first time I served this for dinner. But one mouthful of this creamy goodness and soon the […]


Sourdough Lemon Blueberry Pancakes

When I was a newbie to sourdough baking, I went through several trials in getting to the perfect loaf of bread. Invariably, I would be left with a lot of sourdough discard in the process of feeding and maintaining the starter. Since I hate wasting food, I was always looking […]


Mixed Vegetable and Tofu Tikki

This is a popular tea-time snack in India called “tikkis” or “cutlets”. The base in this recipe is mashed potato, and finely chopped veggies of choice are added. The mixture is flattened into a flat patty, similar to a veggie burger patty and then deep-fried or pan-fried.  My version is […]


Red Velvet Truffles

The other day, I was baking red velvet (beet) brownies with my daughter’s Girl Scout troop, when the idea for these truffles came into my head. I had previously made a no-bake brownie, so I knew I could use more or less the same ingredients to make truffles. To deepen […]